Wednesday, August 12, 2015


So what's it like driving through the desert for a week?  I guess the first thing that most people think about are the "what ifs" - what if you don't have cell phone service, what if you have a flat tire, what if you break down - won't it be hot?  The last few days have probably been 108 degrees, but it is not as bad as it sounds, if you keep moving.  A car with a cloth top like this one and open on the sides, is much cooler than a modern car would be without air conditioning.  A good breeze comes through.  
Now as far as the "what ifs" go, we don't think about those, we are having too much fun motoring along.  Driving secondary roads through the desert is some of the most enjoyable and easiest driving I have ever done.  There is very little traffic, the roads are pretty much flat and straight, traffic can pass easily, nobody is being held up, nobody is upset and there is no noise.  Most of the time I am driving between 35-40 mph which is a little faster than I prefer, but in most parts of the country traffic "pushes" you to go faster.  Out in the desert, you don't have any of that.  My favorite speed is 30 mph, I can just sit back and relax, set the hand throttle which is nothing more than a manually operated cruise control, and completely relax.

When we left the last town, we saw a sign that said "no services for the next 100 miles".  We just didn't worry about it.  We started out with plenty of gas, oil and water for both the car and for us, and I suppose driving a little slower, might slightly decrease your chances of a break-down.  Anyway, I like peace and quiet  and to get away from the rat race.  We had ice with us, iced tea was in my cup holder and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.    

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